Certified Nutso

I had forgotten until now
It had started to fade away
It was almost gone
Until I was reminded that
I can never shed it
He gave me it once
And now he’s helped to reclaim it
The laughter
The voices
The call of the Brink
With nothing but his words
I was hiding, he said
Trapped, he said
I was
Desperate to reach the surface again
Yearning to act my malice
Screaming in my head
He reminded me who I am
Let me have the knife
Wide-eyed and smiling
I saw it through
I drove it through the victim’s skull
My first in a long time
The crunching and oozing brought me
And I could see his face lovingly
Mine imitating his
My trust in him
His trust in me
I was no one but his
His gorgeous face was all mine
We fought opposed
Those who would suppress us
Let the blood fly
Beads of my heart
Splattering on his pristine jaw
Dancing among the dead
Spinning and spinning but never dizzy
Guns held to our temples
My finger on his
And his itchy finger on mine
We smile a last moment
We squeeze
Simultaneous fire
But we do not die
Living as we were dead
Dead, yet still living
Tell me again
How beautiful you think I am
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