
Mirrors surround me, reflect my image, my soul, back at me
I love who I’ve become, so much that I shattered the image
Of the other me, so innocent, so frail, so naive
I didn’t want to look at her, remind myself of what I was
When what really matters is who I am
I also see him reflected back at me from all directions, all mirrors
But when I turn to look beside me, he vanishes
Is he real? Or is he just a twisted hallucination my mind conjured up?
I turn around, around, around, and all I see is me and him
His mad grin taunting me
How can I be the only person in the room?
He appears to me everyday now, and all I want is to go to him
If I cannot, I will surely go insane
One day, he speaks to me
He beckons me to come closer, and when I do, he outstretches his arms and says
“Destroy me! Shatter the glass!”
I hesitate, and somehow he knew I would
How could I destroy the image os someone I loved so much
And never see him again?
I didn’t want to, so badly did not want to obliterate the
Only thing I saw
But, I had to prove him wrong, prove that I could and would
Trump his underestimation of my will
And so, I punched through the glass with all of my strength
Tears streaming down my face, for what had I now to love?
The shards rained down upon me as all of the mirrors
Suddenly burst apart
They stung me and cut me, and I watched as my blood
Poured over the hand that had shattered my dreams
But as I looked up, I saw that all was not lost
Standing before me was the very man whom I had shattered
All in one piece
This couldn’t be real. He wasn’t real
He put out his hand, and I took it
I held a real hand, not imaginary, not pretend. Real
I gazed into his face, his personality, his wickedness
And I saw myself, the self I wanted to see, the real me
He is, and had always, been my mirror
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